Jetindexer Logo

Get your site indexed at the speed of light.

Get your pages indexed by Google in less than 36 hours.

Everything you need to succeed on Google

Jetindexer listens for changes on your sites by monitoring your sitemaps. When it detects a content update or a new page, it automatically pushes it to Google Search using Google Indexing API and Search Console.

Works with any CMS

Be it WordPress, Framer, Webflow, Gatsby, or any custom build, Jetindexer works with it. As long as it has a sitemap, we are good.

Track the health of your content

Jetindexer regularly pulls reports for your indexed content regarding possible issues or risks.

Push On-Demand

Everything is automatically handled for you, but if you need an on-demand push to Google, you can request it with 1-click.

No volume limits

There are no limits regarding number of pages you can push daily. It all depends on the number of GCP projects you connected.

Email Digest

Receive daily, weekly, or monthly reports regarding which new pages were indexed with Jetindexer.


We're happy to help you regarding any possible issue with Jetindexer.

Jetindexer works with every CMS or a custom build


Start indexing for free today and use a 5-day trial. Credit card is not required.



  • 3 sites
  • Submit 400 pages per day
  • Daily index monitoring
  • Autodiscover new pages



  • 5 sites
  • Submit 800 pages per day
  • Daily index monitoring
  • Autodiscover new pages



  • 15 sites
  • Submit 1600 pages per day
  • Daily index monitoring
  • Autodiscover new pages

Get indexed now.

Push your new content to Google Search as soon as you publish it.