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Announcing the Public Beta of Jetindexer! πŸš€

Ivan Radunovic β€’

Hello, fellow digital enthusiasts!

I’m thrilled to announce that Jetindexer, my labor of love and your soon-to-be favorite Google indexing tool, is now entering its public beta phase! This is a big step for both Jetindexer and for me, Ivan Radunovic, the indie hacker behind it.

What’s Jetindexer?

In case you’ve just tuned in, Jetindexer is an innovative tool that makes Google indexing a breeze. Whether you’re a blogger, a small business owner, or someone who wants to make their mark online, Jetindexer is here to simplify your SEO journey.

Why Join the Beta?

  • Be the First: Experience the latest features of Jetindexer before anyone else.
  • Shape the Tool: Your feedback will be invaluable in shaping the future of Jetindexer.
  • Reap the benefits: Anyone accepted in the Beta will receive free access and a special discount when we go live.
  • Exclusive Community Access: Join a group of like-minded individuals and share insights, tips, and tricks.

Exclusive benefits for Beta Testers

πŸ” Step-by-Step Onboarding: As soon as you’re on board as a Beta Tester, you’ll receive a handy onboarding checklist. It’s like a treasure map, leading you through all the cool features of Jetindexer.

🌟 Complete Tasks, Unlock Rewards: Follow the checklist, and voilΓ  – you’ll unlock unlimited access to Jetindexer. But wait, there’s more! You’ll also enjoy 100 days of free, unrestricted use of Jetindexer. Imagine all the SEO magic you can do!

πŸ’Ž Exclusive Lifetime Deal: When we’re ready to launch Jetindexer to the world, you, my friend, will get a once-in-a-lifetime chance to grab an Unlimited Lifetime Deal at a price that’s just too good to pass up.

🎁 Special Bonuses Just for You: Being a Beta Tester is like having a VIP pass. You’ll get early access to our new SEO micro-tools, a sneak peek into our backend system, including Notion databases and Airtable apps, and even some nifty no-code scenarios.

πŸ‘₯ Join the Inner Circle: Dive into our exclusive group, where we share insider tips, tricks, and real case studies. It’s a great place to learn and grow together.

πŸ“š Expand Your Knowledge: Because we believe in continuous learning, you’ll get access to a wealth of resources on SEO, site building, and no-code solutions.

Being a Jetindexer Beta Tester is not just about trying out a new tool; it’s about being a part of something bigger.

What to Expect in the Beta Phase

  • Limited Slots: We’re rolling out the beta with limited availability to ensure quality feedback and support. First come, first served!
  • Active Development: Expect regular updates and improvements based on your feedback.
  • Direct Support from Me: Got questions or need help? I’m here to assist personally.

How to Get Started

  1. Sign Up: Head over to Jetindexer’s Beta Sign-up Page and register. This step is crucial to get all the benefits.
  2. Explore: Once you’re in, play around with the tool, test its features, and see how it transforms your indexing experience.
  3. Feedback: Share your thoughts, report bugs, and suggest improvements through our dedicated feedback channel.

Your Role as a Beta Tester

As a beta tester, you’re not just trying out a new tool; you’re part of the development process. Your insights are crucial in ironing out glitches and ensuring that Jetindexer meets the real-world needs of users like you.

Register as a Beta Tester

Please complete this Beta Tester Sign-up Application, and we’ll get back to you shortly regarding benefits and everything.

Let’s Make SEO Easier Together!

I’m incredibly excited to bring Jetindexer to this stage and even more excited to have you join me on this journey. Let’s make SEO simpler, more efficient, and fun.

See you on the inside!


Ivan Radunovic